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14:30 - 15:30

Memory and Futures in the Digital Era

Arts&Crafts Awareness Inovação Inteligência Artificial Futuro Tendências Tecnologia Arte e Cultura Impacto Social Criatividade

Memory preservation faces a series of challenges in an increasingly digital society. The expectation was that the process would become simpler with the emergence of new technologies, but it is becoming far more complex. The discussion goes through the high flow of information we have today, the trivialization of recording through social media, and the more democratic access to the internet, which makes it possible to edit any information and therefore creates fake news. On the other hand, access to virtual museum collections provides greater democratization of art, culture, and history. There is also obsolescence, due to the continuous emergence of new data formats, which brings up important questions: how can we preserve these memories in a meaningful, lasting, secure, and reliable way? Is the return of old technologies a solution? How can the use of AI revive memories and connect generations? How can we preserve the past (in the present) for the future?


Foto do palestrante Kel Cogliatti

Kel Cogliatti | Moderador

Experienced curator, project manager and creative director, with +15 years of experience that positions her as a reference in the creative industry. Master's degree in Multimedia from the University of Porto, specialized in immersive narratives for social awareness & creative strategy. Graduated in Social Communication (UFRJ), author of the book "O Despertar do Pessoal" and director of the immersive scenic installation "InCômodos", she has coordinated international productions for brands as Discovery, NatGeo, BBC, UN, among others. Also, she was the curator of FICI (International Children's Film Festival), 2022 & 2023. Currently, she`s Head of Programming at RIO2C.

Foto do palestrante Natasha Felix

Natasha Felix | Palestrante

Poet, performer and currently artistic editor at the Museum of Tomorrow. She was assistant curator at MAM Rio between the beginning of 2021 and the end of 2022. Featured in "Literature and Fine Arts" by Forbes Under 30 (2019). She has participated in several anthologies, magazines and performance projects. Publications include her debut book, 'Use o alicate agora' (Edições Macondo, 2018) and her participation in collections such as 'As 29 poetas hoje' (Companhia das Letras, 2019) and 'Nossos poemas conjuram e gritam' (Quelônio, 2019). She has a degree in Literature from the University of São Paulo.

Foto do palestrante Barbara Castro

Barbara Castro | Palestrante

Barbara Castro has theoretical and practical experience in the fields of art and technology, data visualization and interaction design. She is an adjunct professor at ESDI / UERJ. PhD in Visual Arts at EBA / UFRJ, the same institution where she defended her master's degree in co-supervision with the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA). She is co-founder and current creative director of the Ambos studio, which combines design, art and technology for cultural and educational projects. She highlights the curatorship of the exhibition Numerical Existence which is on display for its second edition at Futuros Arte e Tecnologia about dataart and urgent issues in contemporary society.

Foto do palestrante Gilberto Vieira

Gilberto Vieira | Palestrante

Gilberto is co-founder of data_labe (, an organization that generates and disseminates data in a citizen and participatory way about Brazilian favelas and peripheries. He is also an associate researcher at Jararaca, a research group on urban technopolitics. Gilberto has been a manager and producer of collective actions and organizations since 2008. He has a master's degree in Culture and Territorialities (UFF) and is studying the centrality of urban peripheries in the era of data coloniality.

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