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15:30 - 16:15

Original Content in the New Global Audiovisual Market: Challenges and Opportunities

Screening Room Awareness Audiovisual Mídia e Entretenimento Negócios

In this masterclass, we will delve into the dynamics of business in the audiovisual industry, with an emphasis on strategic alignment with product and consumption in the global market. We will explore the various forces shaping this industry, from traditional business models to the transformative impact of streaming as a new converging force. We will analyze in detail the growing demand for international content, highlighting the disruptive "EVERYWHERE" strategy of global streaming platforms and its profound impact on the market. In addition, we will examine Brazil's participation on the global stage, with valuable insights into the export of Brazilian content and the implications of the similarity between the local and international markets. We will also address the essential characteristics of the new professional in the audiovisual industry, providing practical guidance on attitude, prospecting, planning and improving presentation skills.


Foto do palestrante Felipe Boclin

Felipe Herz Boclin | Keynote

The Creators Bridge

With over 15 years of experience in the media industry, he merged his passion for storytelling and business. He spearheaded marketing projects at Globosat and FOX, gaining recognition for orchestrating large-scale campaigns such as the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games. During his journey at GLOBO for over a decade, he led projects in the international business, specializing in the licensing of telenovelas, series, and documentaries in key global markets. Driven by a vision to see Brazil wield influence in the international market, he established The Creators Bridge, a São Paulo-based sales agency focused on the commercialization of Brazilian audiovisual assets for the emerging global industry.

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