Olhar Distribuição

Olhar Distribuição was born from the desire to seek the plurality of experiences, worldviews, to show the diversity that exists in our world. Each film has its own universe, full of unique colors, textures, smiles, dilemmas and cultures. Our goal is to respect the universe of each film and cross the borders that limit such fictional and real worlds and take them to other ways of looking at something or someone, surrounded by different realities, in order to raise awareness and reflection.

Looking For

Opportunity to connect with medium/large companies

Looking For


Looking For

In Development, In Production, Finished (no prior exhibition)

Project Status

App, Cinema, Digital, TV, Other Media


Feature Film


Documentary/Factual, Fiction


Action, Animation, Art/Culture, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Western, Sci-Fi, Cop/Crime, Romance, Thriller/Mystery, Horror


Argel Medeiros da Silva

Chief Executive Officer

Paula Gomes

Co Founder/ General Director