Ministério da Cidadania, Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Secretaria de Estado de Cultura e Economia Criativa e Lei Estadual de Incentivo à Cultura do Rio de Janeiro,
Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro, Secretaria Municipal de Cultura and Lei Municipal de Incentivo à Cultura – Lei do ISS present:

Changes to media consumption habits and new platforms are a challenge for anyone who produces and distributes content. This context becomes even more complex with the digital transformation agencies and clients are going through.

To discuss urgent issues and trends, the Rio2C Summit Meio & Mensagem will bring together the most brilliant minds at Cidade das Artes.

The Summit's themes also take into account the spirit of the times we live in, since brands, as influencers and cultural disseminators must know the time and particularly, the appropriate tone with which to get into conversations that are relevant to their positioning and society expectations.

Among the guests there will be communication industry leaders, chief marketing executives from the country's top companies and namely, professionals who are making a difference, getting their hands dirty in their business' day-to-day.

You cannot miss this meeting, which opens Rio2C 2019, the biggest creativity and innovation event in Latin America.
