LG Channels
With a rich history spanning over six decades and a global presence of more than 100 subsidiaries, LG Electronics is dedicated to creating innovative solutions for a better life. Our brand promise, 'Life's Good', embodies our commitment to ensuring a happier, better life for all. LG Channels, LG's exclusive free ad-supported streaming TV (FAST) service, puts a wide selection of live channels and on-demand at your fingertips for free through a award winning new UI making content easier to find. Available in 29 countries, LG SmartTvs and SmartMonitors users can watch any content. In Brazil, LG Channels offers more than 170 FAST Channels and a large catalogue of VOD.
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Aquisição/ Licenciamento
Status do projeto
Catálogo, Finalizado (inédito)
Games & APPs, Longa, Música (Show/Performance), Novela, Série, Streaming/Live, Variedades (talk show, gameshow, auditório, revista eletrônica), Reality Show (competição, makeover ou expositivo)
Documentário, Ficção Científica, Esportes, Ação, Aventura, Comédia, Drama, Romance, Terror
Arte/Cultura, Conteúdo de Impacto, Factual Life Style, Gastronomia, História e Cultura, Humor, Policial/Criminal, Saúde e bem-estar, Super-herói, Viagem
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