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12:30 - 13:30

Slam de Todes: Poetry, Performance and Expression

Creator Square Stage Música Mídia e Entretenimento

In this workshop we will explore some important Slam themes • Understand the history and context of the Slam. • Develop writing skills for performance poetry. • Improve performance and presentation techniques. • Create a safe space for expressing and sharing ideas. • What is Slam? Brief history and cultural context. • Different Slam styles and their diversity. • Discussion about Slam as a tool for social and political expression.


Foto do palestrante Carol Dall Farra

Carol Dall Farra | Mentora

Carol Dall Farra é formanda de Geografia pela UFRJ, poeta, rapper e slammer de Duque de Caxias, baixada Fluminense do Rio de Janeiro. Estreou nas artes cênicas com o curta “Mc Jess” pelo qual recebeu o prêmio de melhor atuação do Festival Mix Brasil (maior festival LGBTQIAP+ da América Latina). Foi uma das convidadas para realizar a primeira batalha de slam no Rock in Rio (2019). Teve grande reconhecimento no âmbito literário pelo seu poema “Na ponta do abismo”, tornando-a finalista no Slam das Minas RJ (2017) e posteriormente publicado no livro “Querem nos calar: poemas para serem lidos em voz alta.”

Foto do palestrante Weslley Jesus

WJ | Mentor

Weslley Jesus, better known by his stage name WJ, is a composer, singer, poet, director and actor. He became known nationally and internationally in 2017 when he released his poetry known as Século XXI.

Foto do palestrante Sabrina Martina

MC Martina | Mentora

MC Martina is a multi-artist from Complexo do Alemão and since 2016 she has been leaving her mark on the country's cultural scene. She is the author of the book “Nunca Foi Sorte, Sempre Foi Poesia”, director and screenwriter of the short film of the same name and creator of Slam Laje, the first spoken word poetry battle in Complexo do Alemão. As an actress, she participated in the soap operas Bonsucesso (2019) and Um Lugar ao Sol (2021), in addition to starring in the show Meu Lugar (2023); She was a presenter on Canal da Quebrada, shown in 2023 and 2024 on TV Brasil and also gives lectures and workshops in schools and universities throughout Brazil and the world.

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