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10:00 - 11:00

Games and Education, a Combination Beyond the Game

Game+ Educação e Trabalho Games

In a context where games and education are increasingly allied, technology experts, startups, and stakeholders within the ecosystem discuss formats, possibilities, challenges, and opportunities in the use of gamer-inspired approaches applied to education.


Foto do palestrante Carolina Caravana

Carolina Caravana | Moderadora

Carolina Caravana is a passionate educator, graduated from EBA/UFRJ, and is also a partner and producer at Aiyra, a game development company in Niterói. With 15 years of experience in games and technology, she has held various roles in game development. Her journey includes serving as a jury in national and international game competitions, as well as participating as a professional guest in academic panels. She stands out for her contribution to the training of dozens of industry professionals. Besides being one of the founders of Abragames' Diversity Council, she currently holds the position of vice president of the association and continues her commitment to inclusion and diversity in the industry.

Foto do palestrante Nayra Karinne Bernardes de Menezes

Nayra Karinne | Palestrante


PhD in Psychology, Master in Administration, Bachelor in Administration and Specialist in People Management. He has experience in Path Innovation in Silicon Valley companies. She worked in the management of large companies for 15 years and has been a Professor at PUC-GO for 16 years. She is also the Author of the book “Gamification: playing for success” and Creator of the E.M.E METHOD of gamification. Founder and CEO of Start Gamification and Human Development.

Foto do palestrante fernando Tchê Gouvêa

Fernando Tchê | Palestrante

Fernando Tchê Gouvêa é fundador da Joco, uma learning tech que cria ecossistemas de aprendizagem e experiências de aprendizagem para grandes empresas, sempre trazendo uma metodologia que lida com uma sociedade de distraídos(todos nós), aplicando design conversacional, técnicas de games, inteligência de dados e IA para gerar uma melhor conexão com o processo de aprendizagem. Organizador de eventos como o TEDxRio, Aprendizagem do Futuro, Projeto Ar e vários downloads sobre os principais eventos de inovação do mundo, há mais de 25 anos cria produtos e experiências para empresas que buscam transformar realidades internas e da sociedade. Antes de Joco, passou pela Vivo, Pontomobi e fundou a Outra Coisa.

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